"The World is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page." -- Saint Augustine
I vividly recall the first time I flew here with the Palawan Gang (Faith, Kring, and Coy) back in 2009. Our DIY (Do-It-Yourself) itinerary had a few hits and misses especially after almost getting mugged at Phat Phong (red light district). It felt like being in a mafia movie and it was exhilarating! No plans going through that again, though.
But that's the charm of a city, seeing the contrast and mix of subcultures while getting lost, literally Without a doubt, Bangkok has got to be my favorite city next to Hong Kong.
And so for my 3rd time, I am back yet again. But now with my life-partner, Liz, to celebrate her 30th and our 1st anniversary. This is our first time to travel together abroad. Something we both really looked forward to. Traveling makes you learn a lot of things from your companion.
Turns out, we're real good travel buddies :-)
I think I really nailed "hobo" look
Suvarnabhumi Airport is MASSIVE
Syanang-syana lang ang peg =P
Riding BTS Skytrain is the best way to go around the city.
Our home away from home in the next 4 days!
Lub.d Bangkok -Siam, rated "one of the 17 coolest hangout hostels in the world" by Britain's influential daily, The Observer.

Really excited to stay here because of the great reviews
Walkathon starts NOW
I hope they bring this here in Manila soon!
Light as San Mig Light but strong as Red Horse
Since we're working our way to getting fit, she got me this heart rate monitor watch for our anniversary :-)
Our artsy bedroom wall
We love it here a lot that we're toying with the idea of staying here for a whole month to explore the neighboring cities and be one with the locals.
Our ultimate dream is to setup a hostel here in Manila similar to Lub.d. That would be so cool if we did that. Ambitious, yes. But as they say, "If your dreams don't scare you, they're not big enough."
aww :) love it! more photos :)